Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Indian fishermen killing: Italy takes marines case to UN

PTI  New Delhi, February 13, 2014 | UPDATED 09:34 IST
Italy has petitioned the UN over the trial of its two marines in India under a strict antipiracy law for the killing of two Indian fishermen, and said it would exercise all options to bring back the naval personnel.
"Italy has initiated contact with the office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights over the lack of charges and the restriction of freedom placed on the marines since 2012," Foreign Minister Emma Bonino said.
"The High Commissioner for Human Rights has agreed to assess the petition," she said.
Her comments came a day after Prime Minister Enrico Letta warned that Italy and the EU would react to India's unacceptable move to invoke a strict anti- piracy law against marines Massimiliano Latorre and Salvatore Girone.
"Our marines are neither terrorists nor pirates. They carry out a role in the name of the Italian government, she told parliament's foreign affairs and defence committees. All options are open, from politics and diplomacy to legal channels.
The goal is the dignified return of our marines," Bonino said


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