Gardening is said to be a lot about regular effort,
some physical exertion and, of course, beauty. But a day’s workshop on
organic gardening with Bhoomi College’s Rajesh Thakkar is enough to
dispel commonly held myths and beliefs about the hobby. Drawing his
ideas of gardening from the philosophies of natural farming and organic
gardening, the workshop came as relief to the textbook gardening
enthusiast and as an easy first step in the right direction for
For many it would seem as if gardening is
an activity that one has to constantly keep at with watering,
re-potting, trimming and pruning, composting, and not to mention
weeding. Rajesh advocates the Zen approach of letting things be and
nature taking its own course. Pictures from his own terrace garden, in
the form of proof, amaze and impress: plants of corn, cauliflower,
capsicum growing out of single pots that haven’t been changed in nearly
eight years and infections that haven’t been dealt with pesticides or
even organic sprays. Taking inspiration from the forest, Rajesh’s garden
teems with wild plants or weeds, insects, bugs and birds, among other
organic forms that make the eco-system in his garden complete.
few hours into the workshop and the idea of organic gardening begins to
take shape in our minds – balance and diversity. In the forest, the
absence of humans constantly curing or cleaning, makes it a thriving
eco-system. The same idea needs to be extended to our gardens, terraces
and farms to create ‘forests in pots’ as Rajesh calls it.
fundamental problem is that we feel the need to overdo. Our fears and
anxieties force us to react and come in the way of natural processes
taking their own course,” says Rajesh, in whose garden an attack by
aphids was ignored for nearly three weeks until the ladybugs arrived and
the crop was safe once more. So, do we call this ‘Do nothing
gardening’? “Of course not, we still need to do some things,” he says.
The creation of an eco-system in your garden starts with
the quality of soil. Sand, silt and clay are the three inorganic
components of soil and are crucial to determining the health of your
kitchen garden. The absence of any one could be detrimental and they
must exist in the right proportions. Clumpy soil could mean too much
clay, in which case sand needs to be added to the pot. Biomass
comprising minerals, fungi, bacteria, worms and leaves needs to be
included in the form of compost. Soil with a good amount of biomass is
moist, has a distinct smell and is rich in colour.
however, is the single-most important way to recover and sustain soil.
“Any biomass put on the soil and covers it is called mulch,” says
Rajesh. Mulching prevents evaporation, protects the soil from water,
wind and sun. Microbes receive the right temperature to thrive and
mulching prevents the growth of wild plants. A simple and beneficial
practice, organic mulch can comprise of leaves, grass clippings, bark
chips etc.
As the lesson progresses we unlearn a
number of things and pick up on the ways of natural gardening like not
touching the soil! “The more you touch the soil, the less healthy it is
going to be. Just make sure it is always covered with mulch,” he says.
Still grappling with the idea of not touching soil while gardening, we
are told to not water plants but ensure there is always moisture in the
soil. Rajesh explains, “Over watering prevents the roots from breathing.
But, always ensure the soil is moist. You can do this by sticking your
finger one to one-and-half inch into the soil. If it is dry, the plant
needs moisture.”
An integral part of organic
gardening is also, of course, composting. Pit composting is the easiest
way to compost in your backyard. “Dig a pit, put in your kitchen waste
and seal the pit with a mud plaster so that it breathes,” says Rajesh.
Today, to accelerate the process of composting, special organic mixtures
are available that reduce composting time from weeks to a few days.
Also, organisations such as Daily Dump sell kitchen waste composters
such as the kambha that can be made a part of your garden. And, if you
have the will you can also grow your own manure. Sunn hemp, a plant of
the legume family, can be easily grown in pots and is a popular source
of green manure. Usually planted at the end of the rainy season, the
plant is ready for use when its flowers blossom. The leaves and flowers
of the plant can be trimmed and used as manure in your kitchen garden or
Organic gardening is perhaps the best way to
grow your own food. The thing to remember, however, is start small, go
low cost and keep it simple. You can easily grow a variety of greens,
herbs, tomatoes, chillies and fruits in your kitchen garden. The
takeaway though is to keep calm and not “garden”.
PGDM 1 Year.
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