Thursday, February 27, 2014

important quiz question

Q 1. As per the new SEBI code on corporate governance how many terms of 5 years can a independent director be on BOD ?
Ans. 2 terms of 5 years each
Q 2. NTPC stock crashed due to a recent CERC order. Expand CERC.
Ans. Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
Q 3. Embibe is one of the top recruiters in IIM A campus placement this year. In what business is Embibe ?
Ans. Individualised coaching for IIT and CAT
Q4. Which company is behind India’s first Ayurveda journal ‘ Ayurveda Samvad’ ?
Ans. Dabur India Ltd
Q5. Which co has a TacOps team that swoops in and restores internet and telecommunications in disaster struck areas as a CSR work ?
Ans. Cisco
Q6. Name the Canadian Indian behind the group Fetopolis which publishes many online fashion and lifestyle magazines.
Ans. Raaj Kapur Brar
Q7. Mark Zuckerberg appeared for a meeting with a VC firm in his pyjamas That firm got revenge with Whatsapp sale. Name it.
Ans.Sequoia Capital
Q 8. In what business is Cloudnine a innovative startup based out of Bangalore ?
Ans. Speciaity Maternity Homes
Q9. Why Pizza Hut is being called PeeZa Hut after a recent controversy ?
Ans. An employee was found peeing in the kitchen sink
q 10. Which public sector bank has accused that the Finacle software from Infosys has led to a higher classification of NPAs in their books ?
Ans. United Bank of india
Q 11. Why did KFC not use its slogan ‘Finger lickin’ good’ in China ?
Ans. The Chinese translation became ” we will eat your fingers off ‘
Q 12 Which Indian city has recently inaugurated the world’s longest free Wi-Fi zone of 20 km ?
Ans. Patna
Q 13 .Bill Gates has invested in a San Francisco start up that is developing a Vegg..What is a Vegg ?
Ans. Vegetable Egg
Q 14. One of The founders of Whatsapp was turned down by Facebook in 2009. Now his creation has been bought by them for 19 Bn $. Name him.
Ans. Brian Acton
Q 15. In which country has a restaurant devised a pneumatic system to deliver burgers on the tables of customers at 87 mph ?
Ans. Christchurch, New Zealand
Q 16. How did DHL use TNT and UPS its rivals to deliver large packages with ‘DHL is faster’ written on it to very difficult addresses in US ?

Ans. Black packages painted with thermal activated ink were given to the rival cos. At a higher temp, DHL is faster underneath got revealed. Having accepted the packages they had to deliver. Publicity for DHL at a low cost.



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