Thursday, March 20, 2014

Corruption in India a big contradiction: Dalai Lama
NEW DELHI: Spiritual leader Dalai Lama inaugurated two state-of-the-art blocks—Aung San Su Kyi Center for Peace and Bharat Ram Academic Complex—at Lady Shri Ram College on Thursday. The Tibetan leader also spoke to students on 'success, ethics and happiness' stating "technology is no guarantee of a better world. Material wealth fails to bring happiness. Pay more attention to inner wealth."

Speaking about the present education system, the Tibetan leader said, "Existing education is not enough. There is need to promote love and compassion. The modern education system is geared towards material wealth." Complimenting India and its secular fabric while being critical of the level of corruption, he said: "I am a messenger of ancient Indian thought and tradition of non-violence and compassion. India is a living example of religious harmony and secular ethics. The Indian Constitution is based on secularism. However, corruption in a religious country like India is a big contradiction."

The Aung San Su Kyi Center for Peace is an extension to the library. It is a centre for research and learning having meeting rooms, audio-visual equipment and individual workstations. An online library will be launched here soon.

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