ISRO successfully sends Mars orbiter into sun-centric orbit
India’s spacecraft to Mars has bid adieu to its Earth-bound orbit and is
cruising in its sun-centric orbit. In a remarkably successful execution
of a complex manoeuvre, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO)
fired the propulsion system on board the spacecraft for a prolonged
duration of 23 minutes from 0049 hours on Sunday.
In space parlance, the manoeuvre is called Trans-Mars Injection (TMI).
ISRO called it “the mother of all slingshots.” Celebrations broke out at
the control centre of the ISRO Telemetry, Tracking and Command Network
(ISTRAC) at Bangalore from where the spacecraft specialists gave
commands for the orbiter’s 440 Newton engine to begin firing.
ISRO Chairman K. Radhakrishnan told The Hindu from ISTRAC,
“Everything went of well. We took stock of the spacecraft’s health and
everything is normal. We just had a meeting with all the ground
controllers and mission directors who briefed us on the spacecraft’s
systems and all are working well.”
M. Annadurai, Programme Director, Indian Remotesensing Satellites and
Small Satellites, ISRO, said “everything was normal during the firing,
which went on as per the planned timeline.” He added that there was
jubilation in the ISTRAC control room with scientists distributing
“We had exciting moments and a satisfying day,” said S. Arunan, Project
Director, Mars Orbiter. “The sun-centric phase has started and the
Canberra station has started acquiring the spacecraft for tracking it.”
Deviprasad Karnik, ISRO spokesman, said the spacecrafts propulsion
system produced a textbook performance.
Mars spacecraft cruising towards sun-centric orbit
After it has
idled for 300 days during its voyage in deep space. This ignition will
lower the spacecraft into
With India’s spacecraft to Mars slung out of its earth-bound orbit early
in the morning of December 1 and its cruising towards the sun-centric
orbit, its 300-day voyage to the Red Planet has begun. The Indian Space
Research Organisation (ISRO) accomplished this tricky manoeuvre called
Trans-Mars Injection (TMI) of the spacecraft by giving commands to the
spacecraft’s propulsion system to start firing at 00.49 hours Sunday
(December 1). The propulsion system came up with a cameo performance for
23 minutes, imparting the required velocity to the spacecraft, which
was catapulted out of its earth-bound orbit into the sun-centric phase.
Eight control thrusters on board also erupted into life, aiding the
propulsion system to give the needed velocity to the spacecraft. “The
spacecraft is now on course to encounter Mars after a journey of about
10 months around the Sun,” said an ISRO statement. The orbiter is now in
a hyperbolic orbit and it will escape from the sphere of influence
(SOI) of the Earth around 1.15 a.m. of December 4. The SOI of the Earth
extends to about 9.25 lakh km from the Earth.
According K. Radhakrishnan, ISRO Chairman, the TMI was a “crucial”
manoeuvre because the spacecraft needed to be given the exact velocity
to push it out of the earth-orbit, make it escape from the SOI of the
Earth, then make it coast around the sun for about 300 days and
ultimately insert the spacecraft into the Martian orbit on September 24,
On that day, the propulsion system will be fired again the Martian orbit.
Orbiter heading out of Earth’s sphere of influence
With the successful completion of the Trans-Mars Injection procedure by
the ISRO, the earth’s dominance over the Mars orbiter is set to end.
S. Arunan, Project Director, Mars orbiter, ISRO, said on Sunday
afternoon that after the successful firing of the spacecraft’s 440
Newton engine, “the spacecraft has gone into a highly hyperbolic orbit,
it will leave the SOI (sphere of influence) of the Earth and enter into a
perfectly sun-centric orbit.”
“The velocity required for the spacecraft to escape from the earth’s
gravity has been provided to it and it will escape from the SOI of the
Earth with a perfect sun-centric elliptical orbit,” Mr. Arunan
M. Annadurai, Programme Director, Indian Remote-sensing Satellites and
Small Satellites Systems, ISRO, said the total velocity given to the
spacecraft at the end of 23 minutes of firing of the 440 Newton engine
including the previous firings was 11.4 km per second. The spacecraft
would travel 3.5 lakh km in 24 hours after the accomplishment of the TMI
and it would cross the SOI of the Earth 72 hours after the TMI, Dr.
Annadurai said.
“The health of the spacecraft’s system including its main and redundant
systems are all right,” Mr. Arunan said. “The orbiter’s health is
normal. It is in a perfect hyperbolic orbit now. It means the orbit is
open. There is no ending. There is no apogee,” he explained. After the
ground station at Canberra, Australia, acquired the spacecraft and
started tracking it soon after the TMI was achieved, the Goldstone Deep
Space Communications Tracking Station in the U.S. and the Indian Deep
Space Network (IDSN) at Byalalu village, near Bangalore, would start
tracking it. The IDSN at Byalalu has an 18-metre and 32-metre dish
antenna to communicate with the orbiter. The medium-gain and the
high-gain antenna on board the spacecraft would be used to communicate
with it from the ground stations.
The spacecraft, which weighs 1,350 kg, carries 850 kg of fuel. About 198
kg of fuel were used for firing the 440 Newton engine for 23 minutes.
ISRO engineers said they were “bugeting” the fuel in a judicious way for
three mid-course corrections of the spacecraft’s trajectory and its
insertion into the Martian orbit on September 24, 2014.
Set to cover a million km a day
As it hurtles towards its planetary goalpost on a path of 680 million
km, the Mars Orbiter will cover one million km each day, according to
S.K. Shivakumar, Director of the ISRO Satellite Centre, which made the
1,330-kg satellite.
The spacecraft has been designed to travel over 300 days and take a path
half way round the Sun. Ground controllers expect to make four ‘course
corrections’ to keep it on the right track.
The first one is likely on December 11, or a couple of days later, ISRO
Scientific Secretary V. Koteswara Rae have to make corrections. One will be on December 11,
another in April 2014, the third in August 2014, and the last one will
be on September 14, 10 days before we insert it into the Martian orbit.”
The ultimate test will be the Martian orbit insertion, planned for
September 24 next. It will be done by slightly breaking the spacecraft’s
speed through an engine burn. It will then start orbiting the Red
Planet elliptically.
The spacecraft will be among Earthly friends when — or if — it reaches the barren Martian environment.
Two rovers and threo said at a a recent briefing.
“During the journey, if the spacecraft makes any minor deviations from
the path, we orbiters of two other space agencies are already
probing untold Martian mysteries. Four of them are from NASA, whose
latest orbiter mission MAVEN left on November 18 and is also on its way
there. MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN) is designed to be
near Mars two days ahead of the Indian spacecraft.
NASA’s rover Opportunity has been digging around since it landed on the
Martian surface in 2004. It was joined by the iconic Curiosity robotic
laboratory in 2012. Then there are two active NASA spacecraft, the Mars
Odyssey (2001) and the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (2005), apart from
the Mars Express sent by the European Space Agency in 2003 — all of
which are circling Mars.
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