Thursday, October 24, 2013

Siddharth Varadarajan quits The Hindu; family rift resurfaces

New Delhi: New battlelines were drawn and some old ones revived at Kasturi and Sons Ltd (KSL), publisher of The Hindu, after chairman N. Ram used his casting vote to effect a change in top management after the 12 member board of the company voted 6-6 on the move.
Arun Anant is no longer the chief executive of the company and Siddharth Varadarajan, who was re-designated contributing editor and senior columnist, has resigned, The Hindu said in an announcement on its website.
The announcement added that N. Ravi has taken over as editor-inThe KSL board which had two years ago decided to keep the family out of editorial control and run the paper more professionally has changed its mind. In this new set-up, it is best that I leave,” Varadarajan The KSL board which had two years ago decided to keep the family out of editorial control and run the paper more professionally has changed its mind. In this new set-up, it is best that I leave,” Varadarajan said.
The announcement on The Hindu website spoke of “recurrent violations...on the business side”, and “defiance of ... the mandatory code of editorial values...”
Anant declined comment.
The surprise changes, which followed a board meeting on Monday, came two years after another flare-up of occasional hostilities between family members resulted in the family deciding to remain mere shareholders and directors, and run the company through professional managers and editors 
pratima kumari 
pgdm 1sem

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