Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Insurers wary about life cover for HIV positive

MUMBAI: The first concrete steps to have life insurance cover for people living with HIV has brought cheer as well as apprehensions about its feasibility. Insurers feel designing such a policy would involve intricate issues of premium, patient confidentiality and sustainability.

A 21-year-old Ghatkopar youth, who has been on HIV treatment since eight years, welcomed the move. “With antiretroviral treatment, lifespan has increased. Those infected not only want to lead normal lives and have families but also secure their future,” he said. The draft circular, issued this month, by the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority on policies for people with HIV/ AIDS may come into effect from April 2014. The draft guidelines pondered over issues like cover for those who acquire HIV after the policy’s commencement. About 1.48 lakh people died of AIDS-related causes in India last year. Deaths among HIV-infected children account for 7% of all AIDS-related deaths. However, the insurers are worried about a majority of deaths in the younger age-groups. “HIV-related mortality has come down but still affects the young age group,” said Dr Alaka Deshpande, former head of JJ Hospital’s ART centre.


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