Monday, October 13, 2014

This Election, We Must Vote Out Those Who Favor “Free Trade” or Elsewashington

October 1

We are now in the midst of election season, and you are probably weary of the barrage of advertisements we are seeing on a daily basis. One thing seems to be clear to most Americans–Washington is broken, and something needs to be done to fix it. This is why so many incumbents are at risk of losing their seats this time around. As we consider who to vote for, we need to replace the bad with good, not just replace bad with more of the same or worse.

Many of our country’s problems can be traced back to “free trade.” “Free trade” is uncontrolled, unrestricted access to our economy, tariff- and duty-free, for goods made in foreign countries often for $4 per hour or less. We cannot compete with these wages, so our manufacturers are forced to close up, sell out or leave the country. We have been practicing “free trade” for decades now, and it has led to the decline and near-destruction of our country.

In Kansas voters are increasing their support for independent candidate Greg Orman. The incumbent, Pat Roberts (R) has a terrible record on trade, having supported many “free trade” agreements in the past. He has sold out the American people time and again. Greg Orman has no record on trade, and has made no statements on whether or not he supports or is opposed to “free trade,” but would likely be much better than Pat Roberts.

Some new candidates are easier to read than others. In the Georgia Senate race David Perdue (R) has worked his whole life to outsource jobs during his work in the private sector, and his record shows if elected, he will surely continue our nation’s failed “free trade” policies. His opponent is no better though, and she has stated we need more trade agreements with Europe and Asia.

Some new candidates are easier to read than others. In the Georgia Senate race David Perdue (R) has worked his whole life to outsource jobs during his work in the private sector, and his record shows if elected, he will surely continue our nation’s failed “free trade” policies. His opponent is no better though, and she has stated we need more trade agreements with Europe and Asia.

In South Dakota increasing support has continued for Independent candidate Larry Pressler. This make sense with America growing tired of partisan bickering, however voters need to look at who they are voting in – not just at who they want to vote out of office. Pressler’s past record shows he is a rabid free trader, and will most likely work further to destroy the American economy.

As we look through the candidates we must choose ones that will support policies that put American workers first, and not sell us out to the one percent.  We cannot continue down the same path that we have. As candidates attend town halls and events, please attend and tell them to oppose “free trade.” If we do not make our voices heard and elect good candidates we will surely see Fast Track and the TPP passed this year.

For more information on the state of the nation, and policies to strengthen our weakened economic condition, be sure to subscribe to receive our newsletter twice weekly. (02)

vimal singh
pgdm 2nd year

1 comment:

  1. polices and strengthen our weakend economics condition
    sumit kumar singh
