The latest headlines from The Most Important News....
Barack Obama made the following statement about globalization
during his overseas trip: "There is going to be a tug-of-war within the US between those who see globalization as a threat and those who accept we live in a open integrated world, which has challenges and opportunities."
Implicitly acknowledging the decline of American dominance, Barack Obama on Sunday said the U.S.
was no longer in a position to "meet the rest of the world economically on our terms".
Obama says that the U.S. could be entering
"a new normal" where unemployment rates stay high.
Dependence on foreign oil
continues to cripple the U.S. economy.
The price of oil and the price of gold
continue to move up briskly.
Sarah Palin
is publicly criticizing the Federal Reserve for the new quantitative easing program that they have initiated.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell says that he does not have
“an opinion at this point” on whether Republicans should try to stop or restrict the Federal Reserve from buying $600 billion in federal government debt.
the competitive devaluation of world currencies result in the collapse of the global financial system?
Dallas Fed’s Dick Fisher
recently made the following statement: “
For the next eight months, the nation’s central bank will be monetizing the federal debt.”
China's leading credit rating agency
downgraded U.S. debt to 'A' following last week’s announcement of a second round of quantitative easing.
Citibank officials are warning that central banks around the globe
are going to start dumping dollars in the coming weeks.
Is the head of the World Bank
actually suggesting that we should adopt a gold standard?
The government of Ireland
is now essentially insolvent.
U.S. banks are failing
at the fastest rate in two decades.
U.S. mortgage delinquencies
increased once again during the third quarter of 2010.
The vending machine industry
is up in arms following a new report by the Food and Drug Administration that estimates the industry will need to spend 14 million hours annually to comply with new calorie disclosure laws.
As of October 8th, America's strategic grain stockpile had shrunk
to an unsettling 53 days.
Wall Street is still having problems with
"mini flash crashes".
The Palestinian Authority is strengthening its grip on eastern Jerusalem, carrying out a policy of
“creeping annexation” right under Israel's nose, a prominent activist for Jerusalem has discovered.
Anger at Israel expressed this week during Jordan's parliamentary election campaign stems from the fear that the Hashemite Kingdom
may be forced to accept back the Palestinian Arabs that came under Israel's sovereignty following the 1967 Six Day War.
The Pentagon said Tuesday that a missile launch off the southern coast of California remained
“unexplained” and that its mysterious origins meant that it was not possible to rule out any threat to the homeland.
U.S. officials on Monday
extended a ban on air cargo from Yemen to include Somalia and slapped new restrictions on passenger goods on U.S.-bound international flights after a foiled parcel bomb plot.
The TSA has reacted to the burgeoning backlash against airport oppression
with a glib response that does nothing to address the multitude of complaints put forward by some of the most prominent travel and pilots associations in the world.
“fun loving” security officer with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) at the Philadelphia International Airport recently pretended to find a bag of cocaine in at least two passengers’ bags.
Former President George W. Bush continues to be beyond shame. Those favored with an advance copy of his memoir,
Decision Points, say it paints a picture of a totally unapologetic Bush bragging, for example,
about authorizing the CIA to waterboard Khalid Sheikh Mohammed.