Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Government failed to spend a Single Penny from Rape Relief Fund

A CAG report tabled in the Parliament on 13 August 2013 concluded that the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development (WCD) failed to spend a single rupee between 2009 and 2012 from the Relief to and Rehabilitation of Rape Victims.

The CAG report stated that the entire provision of 239.02 crore rupees allocated during 2009-2012 remained unutilized because the Planning Commission of India (PCI) withheld its formal approval to the new scheme. 

Earlier, the Committee of Secretaries approved the Relief to and Rehabilitation of Rape Victims Scheme in March 2006. The scheme was approved following the direction of Supreme Court of India to constitute a board to compensate financial losses suffered by rape victims. The Union Ministry of Women and Child Development for the first time circulated the draft note for the Expenditure Finance Committee approval in July 2010 delaying it by four years.

A budget allocation of 59 crore rupees, 40 crore rupees and 140 crore rupees were earmarked by the Union Finance Ministry for the years 2009-10, 2010-11 and 2011-12, respectively. But the use of the allocated budget fall a prey to the blockage between the Union Ministry of Women and Child Development and the plan panel. The blockage between the WCD and Commission was created to make a decision on the nature of the scheme. The WCD wanted it to be a central scheme with states and the Centre contributing equally, whereas, the Planning Commission wanted the disbursement to be done to the states as assistance from the centre

Failure in spending a single rupee allocated for the Relief to and Rehabilitation of Rape Victims was among the three other women-oriented schemes, where the Government has failed in spending. The other two schemes highlighted by the CAG, where zero investments were made were Swayamsidha scheme for formation of self-help groups and the Rashtriya Mahila Kosh for creating a national credit fund to finance self-help groups. The Swayamsidha Scheme was allocated 28 crore rupees, whereas, Rashtriya Mahila Kosh scheme received 115 crore rupees.

PGDM 1ST YEAR 2013-15

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