‘Falling commodity prices, easing inflation will help RBI consider rate cut’
Mumbai, April 30:
Amid falling commodity prices and easing inflation, the Ministry of
Finance has again pitched for an interest rate cut by the Reserve Bank
of India (RBI) in it annual monetary policy on May 3.
“We would be happy if the RBI continues the trend of softening the
rates. To what extent, we would leave it to the wisdom of RBI,” Arvind
Mayaram, Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance,
today said on the sidelines of a conference organised by FICCI-Asian
Development Bank in Mumbai.
According to him, it’s not just the fall in commodity prices but
inflation has also come down. “It (inflation) is coming down
significantly. So we do believe there is some case for positive thinking
on the interest rates,” Mayaram said.
In addition, good monsoon with an estimate of rabi crops doing well will further ease inflation, he added.
Inflation-indexed bonds
The Government is likely to issue inflation-indexed bonds (IIBs) next
month. “The RBI is working on the details and they will come out with a
programme for issuing them,” Mayaram said.
IIBs have been designed primarily to provide instruments to protect
investors from inflation and give an instrument which is also productive
in nature.
“There is also large demand for gold because it is seen as an
inflation-indexed instrument. Therefore, we believe for the middle-class
and poor, there should be another instrument which has almost the same
characteristics (as gold) which provides them comfort and such that
their savings are protected from inflation,” he said.
FDI, FII policies
On FDI and FII policies, Mayaram said the Government was looking at
cleaning the definition of FDI and FII flows because “there are some
grey areas and there has to be a clear definition”.
“The Government is reviewing the FDI policy. And therefore we need to
see the steps to increase the FDI flows which are necessary for the
country especially in the light of the fact that our current account
deficit runs high and it can only be financed through capital goods,”
Mayaram said.
“In capital flows, we would wish there is higher FDI as it is long-term
capital…so we need to encourage FDI and try and remove the impediments
if any, across all sectors,” he said.
Keywords: Inflation, India's economy, India's GDP growth, inflation, India's GDP forecast, headline inflation, repo rate cut, RBI monetary policy review, Arvind Mayaram,
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